Monday, March 1, 2010

Old little boy!

Thank GOD
We are part of one society what hurt others hurt us as well. We are all like one hand sharing the life with its sweet and sad moments. Learning form others mistakes and experiences. Taking the messages of life from others good and bad deeds. That’s the way of ball bounces. Straight from the shoulder I’m here to say a fascinated scene and tragic at the same time that I’ve seen.

Couple of days ago I went to the clinic to make my RCT session. On our way we passed through a petrol station and there I saw a little boy (if can I say that) he is about 12 years old. He was there selling car’s medals which carry some of Holy Quran quotes.

In fact when I saw him it was like I saw a mature man in a little boy appearance that the brutality and cruelty of his life eliminated the countenance of innocence outta his face. I kept looking at him attentively while he was passing between cars offering his simple commodity for cars riders without boredom or tedium.

While he passed through us I slipped the car’s window down to have a chance to talk to him. When he was there I took a quick peep at him again he looks serious and rational boy. I asked him about the goods he has. Then I purchased more than one medal regardless of my unneeded to them.

My curiosity pushed me to ask him what does constrain him to work. Although he is still kid and he has the right to enjoy his time playing, or whatever like any other kid. He said his parents are jobless plus his father is diabetic and has cardiac disease so, he is not even able to get work cuz of his health circumstances. That’s why nobody can outlay their family except him and his brother. May Allah bless and protect you little guy... What a tough life you are facing and what a devoted boy you are!

My point of narrating the scene is showing my admiration toward this little old boy. Besides blaming myself when I face a little obstacle in contrary side with (what those people are going through) making it complicated by contradictory negative feelings which unfortunately reflect the vulnerable although I having marvelous life in compare. Not only me but also many other people, who keep grumbling about their life and claiming that life is complicated, forgotten the innumerable gifts they have…

Here what I can only say is “Thank you GOD" Thank you for your infinite generosity and your kindness. Thank you for every unappreciated gifts you conferred and we denied. Thank you for the precious and thrive life you awarded...

5 التعليقات:

controlled chaos said...

"Thank you for every unappreciated gifts you conferred and we denied."

So true

controlled chaos said...

I liked this post :)

Rationality said...

controlled chaos
Thanks a lot for your passing

»•●•me you•●•« said...

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

تنثني كلمات الشكر و التعبير امام ما خطته يداكي من كلمات رائعه و اني لأشعر انكي انسانه عظيمة بسبب العمل الذي قمت به و اشعر بالفخر تجاه ما قمت به , ولكن في داخلي اشعر بالحرقة تجاه هؤلاء الاطفال الذين لم يستمعوا بمرحله الطفولة و بالحزن الشديد لاهمال المجتمع لهؤلاء الاطفال الذين يدخلون البهجة في قلوبنا , شاكره لكي عزيزتي قلمك الرائع و كلماتك الرقيقة

و الله يكثر من امثالك

و دمتي في حفظ الرحمن

Rationality said...

Me & you...
Oh sweetie your words embarrassed me. Actually I did nothing appreciate your sweet words the point of post is just showing my admiration toward this little boy I meant he can a beggar at least! Thanks again for your warm words.

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